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Imported hydrogen fuel cell vehicles successfully completed customs clearance in Dalian

  On October 19, 140 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles passed through customs under the supervision of Dalian Customs at Dalian Dayaowan Automobile Terminal。China's firstImported hydrogen fuel cell vehiclesWill be shipped to Beijing in succession to participate in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics。

  In order to achieve the goal of a low-carbon Winter Olympic Games, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has promoted the concept of green hosting, and introduced many emission reduction measures and carbon neutral measures。Regarding transport services, the organizing committee said that it will make full use of clean energy vehicles, reduce carbon emissions, and promote the demonstration application of hydrogen fuel vehicles。Compared with traditional hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have the advantages of high energy utilization, fast fuel saving and long durability。

  In order to ensure the smooth clearance of vehicles, Dalian Customs has set up a special work class to implement intelligent supervision。In order to store these vehicles, we have set up a special area in the regulatory premises。The use of RFID technology, through the IC card and vehicle VIN code for accurate positioning, to achieve the supervision of vehicles unconscious monitoring and unconscious detection。Meng Qingyao, chief of the Logistics Monitoring Section 2 of the Logistics Monitoring Department of Dayao Bay Customs, said: Through the use of IC cards, intelligent bayonet verification has been realized。

      Waiting for the car to be released at any time "swipe card flash, unconscious exit"。Unlike ordinary cars, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are equipped with pressure vessels, hydrogen transmission pipelines, etc., which requires increased risk monitoring indicators。Safety performance testing and pressure vessel inspection at the same time customs operations experts, further saving business time and costs。


  This is the first time China has introduced hydrogen cars, and many difficulties are expected。Unexpectedly, Dalian Customs work efficiency is very high, within a day to complete the customs clearance procedures。'The storage conditions at Dalian port are getting better and better, and the customs clearance service is getting more convenient and faster,' said Wang Zhenhe, head of the Dalian branch of Tianjin Toyota Logistics Co., LTD. 'That's why we chose to import these cars at Dalian Port.。In the future, we also plan to further increase imports from Dalian Port。

  Dalian Customs actively explores the whole chain supervision system covering risk collection, risk judgment, inspection and disposal to deal with the import and export business of hydrogen vehicles and parts on a larger scale。Dalian's hydrogen fuel vehicle supporting industry chain is very complete。To conduct in-depth research on hydrogen energy vehicles, strictly control their quality and safety, so that hydrogen energy vehicles can enter quickly and healthily, and contribute to the development of hydrogen energy vehicles in China。Dalian Customs commodity inspection Department director Sun Lu said。

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