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| The export figures of textile and garment in China increased sharply last year

  According to data released by the General Administration of Customs on January 14, driven by international market demand and double promotions, textile and garment exports continued to grow in December, ending successfully。

  2021年Textile and garment exportMore than $310 billion, a record high in 2014。2021年,Under the influence of various adverse factors such as the repeated exacerbation of the epidemic, supply constraints, soaring freight costs, and the appreciation of the RMB,Exports are driven by strong demand, rising prices and returns on orders,Achieved growth that exceeded expectations,Turned in a satisfactory report card,It fully demonstrates the strong resilience and flexibility of China's textile and garment industry and foreign trade export enterprises。

  Textile and garment exports in RMB:

  From January to December 2020, the total value of textile and garment exports was 20,384.300 million yuan, an increase of 0. 0 percent over the same period last year.88%, an increase of 8.8%.83%, of which 9,384 textile exports.300 million yuan, down 12.2%, an increase of 13.29%, up from a year earlier。

  In December, textile and garment exports were 1932.300 million yuan, an increase of 11.91%, an increase of 5% over the previous year.10%, of which 913 textile exports.600 million yuan, an increase of 7 percent over the previous year.51%,增长18.13%。


  Textile and garment exports in US dollars:

  From January to December 2021, textile and garment exports were 3,154.$6.6 billion, up 8.38 percent, up 16 percent from 2019.17%, of which textile exports 1452.$0.3 billion, 0.80%, up 12 percent from 2019.48%。

  In December, textile and garment exports were 302.$1.1 billion, up 21 percent from a year earlier.07%, an increase of 5% over the previous year.42%, of which textile exports 142.$8.4 billion, up 29 percent from the previous year.78%;Clothing Export 159.$2.7 billion, up 14.50%

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