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Current Location: 首页 - Foreign trade school - Common sense of foreign trade

In international trade, what are the categories that are not allowed to import foreign products?

  When we want to import products from abroad, we must find out which product countries are not allowed to import, so as not to lose money。

  1.All kinds of guns and ammunition, drugs, potent poisons。

  2.Counterfeit currency and securities。

In international trade, what are the categories that are not allowed to import foreign products?

  3.All kinds of printed matter, books and other storage media harmful to China's politics, culture and economy。

  4.A variety of plants and animals that carry dangers, germs, pests, and can cause alien species to invade。

  5.All kinds of solid waste, all kinds of used products, but not limited to old equipment, old accessories, old furniture, old instruments, etc。

  6.Restrictions on the import, export or trade of animal products or products made from them。

  7.Regulatory conditions restrict the import of various types of products。

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